Stanford Global Securities Investments belongs to the prominent enterprises for option dealings and options to the Liffe and Eurex. Stanford Global Securities offer both on electronic way in Europe and in the acclamation procedure to the SIMEX, CBOT and CME can global market and execution to its customers. Customers receive a first-class broker service for all quoted derivatives. Since Stanford Global Securities Investments no independent risk positions is received, we can evaluate the commercial activities optimally and impartially - our team functions thus practically as extension of own sales sale of a customer.
Stanford Global Securities Investments takes off the world-wide among other things following financial futures exchanges:
Remark services
• Stanford Global Securities employs a sales team in Zurich, which covers all stock exchanges specified above.
• Our Broking team is strategically distributed over the CME, the CBOT and the SIMEX and offers a remark service for all „to open Outcry “- products.
• All sales coworkers are comprehensively trained concerning the execution on all electronic commercial platforms, among them Liffe Connect, Eurex, MATIF and Globex.
• Our 24-Stunden-Broking-Desk in New York covers all global markets.
• The Futures Desk supplemental through Stanford Global Securities Investments Direct, our own, most matured platform for the electronic on-line trade.
• Due to the high Handelsvolumens at all stock exchanges Stanford Global Securities Investments its customer can keep daily over transaction rivers and all relevant information up to date.
• We have a large customer master of native, international and European banks, European and US-American fund, CTAs and smaller investment companies.